15 August - 14 September

Caitlin Möhr


As we navigate the complexities of contemporary life, art has the unique power to serve as both a mirror and a lantern. It reflects our innermost experiences while illuminating pathways to deeper understanding and connection. Caitlin Möhr’s second solo exhibition, Deep Loner, embodies this dual role with profound sensitivity and insight. Exhibited at Praxis Artspace as part of the 2024 SALA Festival, Deep Loner presents a compelling exploration of loneliness, vulnerability, and transcendence of pain.

Möhr, a self-taught artist born in South Africa and based in Tarndanya (Adelaide), has quickly emerged as a distinctive voice in the visual arts scene. Since transitioning from her studies in healthcare to full-time art practice in 2021, she has captivated audiences with her richly symbolic, textured, and emotionally resonant works. Under the mentorship of the internationally acclaimed artist Solomon Kammer, Möhr’s practice has flourished, culminating in this deeply introspective exhibition.

Deep Loner delves into the raw and often uncomfortable territory of loneliness. Möhr’s oil paintings, interwoven with written word and complemented by sculptural elements, invite viewers to confront their own experiences of isolation and longing. This confrontation is not meant to be a wallowing in sorrow but a powerful act of embracing our deepest challenges as invaluable teachers. In every corner of Deep Loner you’re invited to sit with your own emotional pain, to cradle it as you would a fragile, precious thing. Here, pain is seen as not an enemy but a guide, leading you through the labyrinthine corridors of your own heart and potential. Möhr’s time at an eco-farm in northeast Thailand last year, participating in a Deep Ecology workshop, profoundly influenced her perspective where she learned that true connection often requires us to strip away the superficial and confront our inner truths. This philosophy, which advocates for a holistic and interconnected life, permeates her work and transcends the individual to touch on universal themes of connection and belonging.

Möhr creates a language that speaks to observer within all of us, resonating with those who grapple with alienation, isolation and who yearn for deeper connection with the world. As a testament to Möhr’s perpetual journey of self-inquiry and self-understanding, Deep Loner reminds us that authenticity is a potent tool for renewal and transformation, and is a call to action for all of us to embrace our vulnerabilities and seek genuine