7 October - 29 October

Artists from Ernabella

Iriti-nguru nintini kuwari-kutu | Showing the past in the present*

  • AGSA
  • Taranthi
  • BHP
  • Government of South Australia

Artists: Imiyari (Yilpi) Adamson | Charmaine Buzzacott  | Natasha Namatjiri Carroll | Elizabeth Dunn | Atipalku Intjalki | Rupert Jack | Yaritji Jack | Jeffrey Lewis | Langaliki Lewis | Lynette Lewis | Michelle Lewis | Inawinytji Stanley | Janice Stanley | Renita Stanley | Tjunkaya Tapaya OAM | Carlene Thompson | Derek Thompson | Vivian Thompson

OPENING | 7 Oct, 6-8pm

Guest Speaker | Nici Cumpston
Artistic Director, Tarnanthi (Art Gallery of SA)
Curator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
Barkandji people, New South Wales

Ernabella Arts, on the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands of South Australia, is Australia’s oldest, continuously running First Nations art centre. A key element of this longevity is the passing down of cultural knowledge from older artists and family members to the younger generations.

For Tarnanthi 2021, early-career, emerging and established artists present paintings and works in diverse media that highlight connections and knowledge-sharing between old and young.

The participants include senior artist Carlene Thompson and emerging artist Janice Stanley, a third-generation Ernabella artist, who exemplify how older knowledge-holders have helped younger generations to develop their understanding, expertise and practices. This is to be applauded.

We are excited to curate this rich body of work from Pukatja (Ernabella).