20 August - 19 September

Liz Butler and Christopher Houghton


Liz Butler spent thirty years working with Indigenous communities before becoming an Artist. Her life-changing experiences working in these communities as well as her travels to remote areas of the country continue to inform her work as she explores her encounters with and emotional connection to the land. She has exhibited widely and her awards include winner of the Outback Open Art Prize 2014; Finalist in SALA’s Don Dunstan Contemporary Art Prize, 2015; 2nd place in the 2013 Watershed Art Prize; 2014 Finalist in The Advertiser Contemporary Art Prize; 2012 Finalist in the Yinnar Biennial Drawing Prize; & 2012 Finalist in the Waterhouse Natural History Prize. 

“When I approach a landscape I have no interest in pretty scenes or capturing specifc moments  of time. What excites me is the relationship between the eternal and the ephemeral. Through the work I want to express nature as a state of being. ”  Christopher Houghton

Left: Liz Butler, Lunar Flow, screen-print on rusted steel, salt, digital photographs, custom-made light boxes, LED lights, dimmer & timer, dimensions variable
Right: Christopher Houghton, Three way mirror, framed, image captured on film, hand-processed and printed on Hahnemühle photorag paper.